Mindy Charski is a business journalist, content writer, and ghostwriter currently covering marketing, adtech/martech, banking, personal finance, and small business.
OneUnited Bank Uses Tech to Bridge the Racial Wealth Gap
OneUnited Bank’s AI-powered financial wellness tool is enabling the bank’s customers to make better financial decisions and build generational wealth.
Stearns Bank Lays Groundwork in Minnesota's Hmong Community
Stearns Bank is fostering trust, financial empowerment and meaningful relationships with Minnesota’s sizable Hmong community by establishing a branch in one of their cultural hubs.
A career in counterintelligence
Studying at Washington University in St. Louis helped prepare John W. Davis for a 33-year career working for U.S. Army Counterintelligence. He spent 12 of those years overseas as a liaison officer, investigator and linguist.
Can Community Banks Benefit from Culture Leadership Positions?
Is culture something that falls into place naturally or something that is cultivated? These community banks created chief culture officer roles to encourage, develop and preserve their bank’s values and identity.
Why Your High Schooler Gets So Much Mail
Why do so many colleges still include direct mail in their marketing mix along with social media, digital advertising, email and other means of communicating? It turns out that mail has unique advantages that help schools grab and keep the attention of digital natives.
The Status of De Novos Going Into 2024
These days, only a small number of bankers are embracing the challenge of the de novo process even as the need for new banks grows. I spoke with executives behind four de novos about their startup journeys and how they are serving their communities.
Digitizing the Commercial Lending Process
With a new digital commercial loan solution, The Killbuck Savings Bank Co. has catapulted its commercial lending and loan origination system into the high-speed digital era.
Market your community bank with first-party data
Customer data fuels efficient and effective marketing these days. Community banks own an enviable amount of data, but not all are leveraging it to its fullest extent. I delve into why that is and how banks can begin to implement a first-party data strategy in this story for Independent Banker.
Primis Bank Brings Banking to Your Front Door
Inspired by a fateful food delivery, Primis Bank launched V1BE, a banking delivery service that serves both individuals and businesses.
Offering Consistency in Inconsistent Times
With rising interest rates and inflation on the move, the word “consistency” doesn’t have an easy association with the current banking environment.
Yet, consistency in various forms has helped three very different community banks excel at commercial lending. They share some of their secrets of success.
Diversify your portfolio with these types of ETFs
Similar to stocks, bonds and mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are securities you can add to your investment portfolio. They're another way to potentially grow wealth while working toward your financial goals.
ETFs aren't a new security: 2023 marks the 30th year since the first ETF was listed in the U.S. Many types of ETFs have since sprouted up, and they can help you diversify your portfolio. Reviewing the most popular varieties of ETFs can help you and your financial advisor match your choices to your risk tolerance, time horizon and broader financial strategy.
Nearing retirement? The last 5 years before you retire are critical
Retirement is a milestone you've likely thought about and worked toward for decades. After planning and saving for so many years, you may imagine you can coast right into it.
But in the five years or so right before your retirement, your savings and investment accounts need your attention more than ever.
We'll explain why the last five years before you retire are critical and explore steps you can take during this time to build and protect your nest egg.
6 ways community banks can build a better onboarding experience
The first few weeks of an employee starting a new job are pivotal in terms of how they’ll connect to their new company and their role. I spoke with community bankers about how they have perfected their onboarding processes.
Saving for a wedding: Tips before you tie the knot
When you're planning and saving for a wedding, a smart spending strategy can help you marry two important yet distinctive goals—affording your ideal celebration while starting off your marriage with a solid financial foundation.
After all, one of the best gifts you can give yourself is protecting your savings for the new life you're creating together. As you approach the big day, consider these steps to keep your wedding saving and spending in check.
5 alternatives if you make too much to contribute to a Roth IRA
Earning a substantial income can help you live a generous life today and save more for your tomorrows. But when it comes to retirement planning, a higher income also can create some roadblocks.
For example, consider the Roth individual retirement account (IRA), which has income limits that potentially bar high earners from funding them directly.
If you think you make too much for a Roth IRA, you can explore alternative strategies and investment options. We'll cover who can contribute to a Roth IRA and various approaches to optimize your retirement savings if your income exceeds the limits.